Monday, October 1, 2012

Future Planning

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." 
         (Philippians 4:13, NKJV)

Planning is key when one is trying to reach a new height greater than self. All of us have a unique set of goals and dreams; both personal and professional, that is tailored to our own desires and needs. Some people are creatively inclined and can instantly transform the vision they have in their head and turn it into a masterful piece of artwork or the latest hit record. But it takes a little more work for the majority of us.
         As I previously stated planning is a vital aspect of all professional and personal decision making, many powerful individuals attribute it to their success. The first step with planning is to access self and start where you currently are. This process of self-evaluation requires pure honestly and humility as you will be examining the strengths, weakness, talents, and drawbacks of the one most important individual, YOU! Once a good assessment of self has been taken, one must being developing a road map to get through your journey. A road map to success can include career goals with designated timeline, personal improvement goals, and strategies for achieving ones goals.
         The planning stage should be a sobering process that allows you to take a good hard look at self. What’s required of you next is to take action. Action means attempting new activities that will lead to achieving goals and dreams, as well as doing the required self-development that is needed.  Action means to step out on faith and challenge yourself past your limits. It can be a very risky process at times but if it doesn’t challenge you then it doesn’t change you. The only person who has the ability to hold you back is you!
Another significant aspect of action is your developmental team. Who are the people you surround yourself with? Are they assisting you on achieving your goals or holding you back? By asking yourself these simple but honest questions will allow you to gain better understanding of which outside influences are holding you back from your potential success.
Strategic and detailed planning is an ongoing process and requires constant attention. The self-development process commands pure self-discipline, honest self-evaluation, and knowledge. The only way one can grow and allow their vision to become a reality is by, pushing yourself to the limit while taking time to learn from every experience that occurred along the way. Knowledge is power, and is one proven way to obtain pure happiness and self-gratifying success.
Planning is an individual tool used to ensure that one is always on the right path to making their dreams a reality. 

       Peace & Blessings        

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